Call for Papers Journal of Epigenetics

Call for Papers

Journal of Epigenetics
University of Sistan and Baluchestan,
Zahedan, Iran, P.O. Box 98135-655 & 98167-45639
Tel: +98-54-31136309   &   +98-54-31132856   /  Fax: +98-54-33447231
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 Call for Papers

Manuscripts to the Journal of Epigenetics

Journal of Epigenetics (JEP) is an academic open access journal that is published by the University of Sistan and Baluchestan, with the cooperation of Iranian Genetics Society.

The Journal is a quarterly and multidisciplinary fully peer-reviewed publication outlet with a rapid and economical route to open access publication. It publishes original research and review articles covering the latest findings of epigenetic mechanisms and their role in diverse biological processes. Journal of Epigenetics has been qualified as an academic research journal status approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Iran (No. 96/3/18/309007 dated 1396/12/26 (2018).

Our goal is to establish Epigenetics as the lead journal in the field by providing a forum where epigenetic approaches to a variety of medical and biological issues can be discussed and the common basic principles of epigenetics spanning different systems can be revealed and shared.

The editorial board of the Journal would like to express its gratitude for your contribution to our journal.


Dr. Dormohammad Kordi-Tamandani
Editor-In-Chief of Journal of Epigenetics (JEP)